Shu Pu
I'm an undergraduate student at HuaZhong University of Science and Technology(HUST) in WuHan. I'm interested in Any2Any generation, Physical Perception and 3D AIGC, Computer Graphics. Some particular directions like Generative Simulation/Game Engine, 3D Scene Understanding and Unified-models are included.
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I'm interested in Physical World Understanding and Generation and 3D vision. Most of my research is about Any2Any Generation.
ISGBench: Interleaved Scene Graph for Interleaved Text-and-Image Generation Assessment
🎉🎉🎉 Accepted by ICLR 25'
Dongping Chen*, Ruoxi Chen*, Shu Pu*, Zhaoyi Liu*, Yanru Wu*, Caixi Chen*, Benlin Liu, Yue Huang, Yao Wan, Pan Zhou, Ranjay Krishna
ICLR, 2025
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A comprehensive evaluation framework for interleaved text-and-image generation.
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